Here is my latest attempt to update everyone with the happenings at IFD...
1) The biggest thing - the officers met on 4/30 and discussed the results of the one on one comments. We went through the list one comment at a time and grouped the comments into a couple different catergories. Our next goal is to break down these catergories and come up with solutions and time frames. I know that everyone is wanting to see results quickly and there have been some changes that have already occured but the bigger issues are going to take time and we ask for your patience.
2) In that officers meeting, Mark was given the lateral transfer from 303 to 301. None of the job responsibilities or duties changed with the move.
3) 337 should be moving through production. We have not heard from Rosenbauer but when we were there in early April they were about a week out from starting the truck and they gave us an estimate of about 4 weeks before we could go up and inspect it before they finalized it. So it should be coming up to that point very soon.
4) 338 has snagged a bit. There seems to have been some communication difficulties with the companies involved and it has not progressed as quickly as orginally anticipated. But it should be started by next week.
5) Squad 2 sign up sheet has been posted on the dayroom board. Most of May has been filled. Please remember, if you sign up for a shift, you need to fill it. June's sheet should be posted in the near future.
6) Sunday is Mother's Day!