Ok, here is a brief update with all the ongoings around IFD....
1) 337 is here but is still awaiting on mainly the radio. Once it is installed, sounds like things should progress and be ready for service shortly. Just a matter of the radio.
2) 338 is creating problems. Best guess at this point is mid-late August.
3) City hall construction is still going. Just be cautious of their workers using our lot when coming up to the station. The office upfront will be experiencing some changes as the air handlers are going up on the roof and the location is right above our area.
4)Of course RAGBRAI is coming this week. Monday night at drill we will be going over everything so please plan on attending. This is also a business meeting night. For a map of the city and different locations of things, here is a link that will show you a map or you can explore the website further...
5) Squad 3 is out of service. It struck a deer the other night and as a result, the transmission is messed up. Unsure if it will be back in service by Tuesday or not. When squad 3 does return to service, the drug box will be returned to the unit.
6) Warren County fair and the National Balloon Classic will be starting very soon as well. Sign up sheets are in the dayroom on the board. Sign up if you haven't yet.
Stay safe and enjoy the cool July weather.