For those of you who actually check this from time to time, you probably noticed that I have not updated for some time. Sorry!! But here is some fresh updated material!
The big news so far is that are starting to launder our bunker gear. This is your responsibility to get this done and when done have Chief Seymour or DC McCurdy inspect it. This includes your helmet!! If they determine that you need new gear, it will be documented and we are waiting to hear if we get grant money. If we do, we will be able to purchase several sets of gear. If not, maybe about 5 sets of gear. Time will tell but keep hoping for the grant!!
November is almost half way gone and the end of the year is quickly approaching. Remember to check your training hours and start attending drills or find ways to make up some time to meet our requirements. Also, there is a notice on the board with names of people who have not completed their skills maintenance.
The officers have been reviewing the current set of SOG's and have made some revisions. Those have been passed along to Chief who has been reviewing the revisions and with any luck we should have a revised copy for everyone at the start of next year. We will then review these and try and resolve some of the issues that were brought forth from your one on one chats with the Chief earlier this year.
Well, that is the most current information. I will try and make a better effort to keep this upto date.