I just want to say congratulations to Jory for his years of service. I hope that you enjoy being able to be with your family and knowing that your schedule is going to be on mother nature and not people thinking that they need help in the middle of the night.
With Jory's stepping aside, I would also like to say welcome to Matt Baird who has been hired to take Jory's position. Matt has worked a couple shifts and will be officially Brent's partner on Monday. So welcome aboard and hope your transition is smooth.
We have gone to a computer based scheduling system. So everyone needs to go into www.firemanager.net/indianolafire and sign in and first go to "My Info" and enter in your phone number, carrier, and email address. That way you can receive text messages and emails about open shifts plus other departmental information. Then please sign up for the nights that you are open for to cover squad 2. Part-timers put in your availability just like we have been. Any questions please let me know.
With the warm weather, be on the look out for more people out walking, running, biking, etc while responding to the station. And as warmer weather approaches remember to keep yourself hydrated!!