I have posted a new video or two since the last time I updated but guess I haven't paid much attention as to when I last posted. October!? Wow. Have I been slacking or what? Lets see, what has been going on since I posted last? We have made it through all the holidays, had a record year in the number of calls that we responded on, hired a new full timer, got two new members trained and have become regular members, got the SOG's done and posted, and the annual dinner has come and gone. Good job to everyone for all the work that they put in last year and so far the first part of this year. Obviously, it is because of your dedication that we make all those calls and get the trucks out the door to handle the emergency.
If you haven't been to training lately, we are trying to simplify things a bit and FF Sadler has designed a program that is taking the first 5-10 minutes of the fire call and breaking into down into different roles and responsibilities. We have been through accountability and riding positions and have VES (Vent, Enter, Search) coming up this month. If you haven't made it yet, these are really good classes and I encourage you to come and check it out for yourself.