In the fire service there are numerous on the job injuries. At one department I try and prevent the injuries and review incidents that happen to involve injuries or near misses. When I am working at my full time department, I try and maintain a high level of awareness and situational surroundings to avoid injury and keep others safe as well. One little misstep and boom, twisted knee and standing at over 3 weeks so far on light duty watching the trucks roll out the door. Good news is there is no tears and will start physical therapy and hope to be back on the truck within a couple weeks. It does serve as a good reminder that accidents happen and to always try to be careful because you never know when you could become one the numbers.
If you do happen to get injured, no matter how minor, you need to report it to your officer and have it documented. Follow your departmental policy and do the steps you need to do. If you have a Safety committee or officer, discuss with them what happened so that they can evaluate it to determine if changes need to be made. One way to prevent injuries is to look at previous injuries.