Couple things to pass along:
1) If you have not yet RSVPed for Chief's golf outing/dinner on Aug. 16th, you need to contact Mrs. Chief no later than Friday. Talking with Chief this afternoon, it sounds like there is a good number of people already signed up but could always use more.
2) The order forms for the new shirts need to be turned in by Friday the 15th. Please get these filled out and turned into Chief. You can order upto $50.00, anything past that you will have to pay the difference. Forms are hanging on the board in the dayroom.
3) As I am typing this, the printer is going with updated SOG's. A couple of these are just spelling corrections, but SOG 3-7 is a new one and 4-1 has been updated. These will be placed in your mailbox yet tonight so look them over and update your SOG book.
If you have not had a chance to look around the blog yet, please do so. Let me know what you think. You can post comments or send me an email. I am going to be looking for additional content so if you come across anything, pass it along and I will try to use it.
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