The other night at business meeting, there was several items that were covered.
1) New faces: We have brought on 7 new part-time personnel to help fill the daytime shifts. Caleb Marosi is also making a return and is going to be on medic status and helping out after hours when available.
2) New apparatus: The new ambulance is ahead of schedule and could be received the middle of December instead of near the end of the month. 300, 303, and 316 are going for a meeting on 337 and making sure the plans are correct and it should start being constructed very soon and that would be ahead of schedule as well.
3) Reminder: Chief just wanted to pass along a reminder that even though we have done better lately, we still need to have people respond on calls.
One item that had been touched on the week before, Roger Berry has been moved down to an Engineer status due to his move. This was something that Chief had batted around for awhile and had different discussions with people and decided it was best to make that move. Roger IS NOT leaving the department and will continue to work part-time and make training meetings. Roger had been an officer since I have been on and a couple years prior to at if not over 20 years of being an officer. I would like to say thank you for your time, effort, leadership, and strive to make IFD a better department. You will not find a better person to run a fire ground!!
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