Monday, October 27, 2008

St. Louis collision

Traffic light cameras. While there has been much debate about the use of traffic camera lights, one in St. Louis has provided a very unique view. It actually caught two St. Louis fire vehicles responding to a fire call. The link from KCCI is about 1:30 minutes long and worth a look. Pay close attention to the shot that compares the accident to the fire call. They were not that far away. Now think of the extra damage done because of this accident: Additional units to cover the accident, additional units for the fire, the loss of two majors pieces of apparatus, and equipment lost from the apparatus. Best news from all of this: EVERYONE WAS WEARING THEIR SEATBELTS AND ONLY MINOR INJURIES WERE REPORTED!!!

For just the view of the traffic cam, click on the "Safety Video" below.

For the KCCI story, click on St. Louis Collision above or follow the link:

Remember our policy, seatbelts are to be worn at ALL times and STOP at red lights and stop signs and look both directions and then cautiously proceed through the intersection.

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